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Toast Your Twenties

Friendships Through the Decades Part One: Toast Your Twenties

The 20s are big, bright and blooming with prospects. While we're growing into ourselves, the women around us are our companion plants. Here’s how to celebrate this bold decade of fabulous female friendships. 

Toast your 20s with WyneTyme

The 20s are a transformative period with broad diversity in life paths. You’ll have friends that move “home” and friends that find it far away from where they began. Some will put a ring on it and others will stay in school. Some will start their own business; others help build someone else’s. 

Whatever path you take in your twenties, it’s only the beginning of your journey. The friends who are along for the ride may play a crucial role. Will they provide shade or throw it? Will they deplete you or hold space for you? Will your growth threaten theirs or complement it? Choose friends in your 20s wisely and prune as needed. 

Pour rosé to toast your 20s with WyneTyme

Wise Words to Toast Your Twenties

Whatever your age, the best advice for navigating this world as a woman will come from other women. We asked our closest circle of female friends for the advice they’d give their 20-something selves. Here are some of our favorites:

Don’t rush to get married.

This was (unsurprisingly?) submitted by several of our Wise Women panel. While every decade brings its own surprises, the most significant changes in your 20s are within you, yourself. It’s explore, travel, fail. Fall down a few times and get back up. Find out who you are with no one else around. Make notes on who sticks around to clean up after the party. Stretch your comfort zone. Live on your own. Change a tire. Be broke. Cut your hair. Try a new style. Find a hobby. Kiss some frogs.
Can you do all of these things married? Sure (except probably the “frog” kissing part). It’s possible. But getting to know yourself before you introduce yourself to a prospective partner means you’ll show up to a relationship more authentically, more confidently.
A related piece of advice was to not wait for other people to make you happy. That's an inside job. The best relationships are built on choice, not need. Be totally punk rock about love. Having thrived solo is one of the most romantic things you can bring to a partnership.  
You’ve got to feel it to heal it. 

If you begin numbing yourself with too much of a good thing (or not-so-good things), get underneath that self-harm to learn why. Then do the work to fix it. You’re building a foundation of habits. Give Middle-Aged you a fighting chance at being happy.

Save money.

Put something - ANYTHING - into a retirement fund asafp.

Don’t stop trusting all people because of one.

Vulnerability and softness are powerful. Don't let someone rob you of those powers. But also? When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

Drink water. Wear sunscreen. Spend time outdoors.

 Boozy brunch to toast your 20s - WyneTyme rosé is perfect wine every time

Let's Toast to your Twenties

Alright! Ready to celebrate the fab femmes of your 20s? Let’s do this.

THEME: Blossoms & Brunch

Your 20s are full of beginnings, so why not let Spring be the inspo? Think peach and pink for simple decor accents - napkins, vase ribbons, stemware, even… fashion?  Snag some bold bouquets at the flower market (or Aldi) and remix them irreverently. Flowers are a fabulous way to decorate for a party that leaves the host with a thank you gift.

Why not make brunch a potluck so no one is over-tasked? Consider a menu of two-bite dishes - mini quiche, french toast sticks, fruit kebab. Crudite is good for all-day grazing and charcuterie never goes out of style (we don’t care what anyone says). You can definitely get fancy with the cuisine, but it isn't necessary. 

For drinks, you simply cannot go wrong with rosé all day. It’s right in keeping with the Spring theme, aesthetic AF, and oh-so-delicious. Look for our All-Rosé collection April - October or the All-Rosé Organic Collection from Villa Graziella all year long.

For entertainment, let your stories take center stage. Find a French Cafe playlist on Spotify for accompaniment and gab/giggle/gorge the day away with your besties.

Planning to Toast your 20s?  Use Code Cheers25 to save 25% on your purchase of any WyneTyme Wine Collection.